Sunday, March 24, 2013

First time use review: Aveeno Therapeutic Shave Gel

Hey guys! So I picked this up a few weeks ago because I had a coupon for some disposable razors and decided that I might as well pick up a new shave gel while I was at it. I used it for the first time yesterday and I thought I would tell you how I like it.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Get to know me!

Hey adventurers! Today's get to know me is 22 questions! I've been gone for quite awhile and I thought what's better to get me back in the swing of blogging, then a get to know me? So here it is!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Fitness Friday: Favorite Apps

Hey adventurers! Today's post is something different than usual and completely not what this blog has been about. But I'm thinking of starting a Fitness Friday, every Friday I'll make a post that is fitness related. Today is about apps. Smartphone apps. I have the Samsung Galaxy S3, don't know why that's important but I figure to just throw that out there. My two favorite fitness apps are RunKeeper, and NTC(Nike Training Club).

Monday, March 18, 2013

It's bath time! (Lush!)

Hey Adventurers! I went shopping at lush here and picked up some stuff! Just wanted to show ya'll what I got! 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Why I "cancelled" my monthly subscription boxes;

You may be wondering why cancelled is "". So I'll just come right out and say it, what actually happened was there was a fraud attempt on my credit card and so my bank sent me a new card and therefore the automatic payments stopped coming out of my account and therefore the boxes stopped coming. What this post should be called is "Why I couldn't be bothered to update my credit card information on my monthly subscription boxes" but that wouldn't exactly be the most uhm.. catching title, now would it?

But why didn't I update the information, you ask? Because what was coming to my door wasn't worth the money I was paying out. I was subscribed to Ipsy(myglam), birchbox, beauty army, test tube, and little black bag. If you add that up, that is $32 automatically a month, $30 a quarter, and $54.90 when I saw something that caught my eye on LBB. I know that it is my fault for signing up to all of the boxes, but they were so enticing at first; Who didn't want a box full of goodies showing up every month for only $10?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Where have I been?

Hey adventurers! You may or may not have noticed my untimely absence on this blog. I haven't posted since November! I know that I promised a week full of concealer reviews and left with only one done. Let me tell you what's happened since then. (really a lot hasn't happened but hey, a few things did!)
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