2013 was an extremely horrible year for me with my blog. It got a new name from 'The Journey of my Adventure' to 'Alaina Kayy', which is almost the only positive thing that has happened. I gained about 10 followers this entire year which is just terrible. But I had to discover the time and the passion for it again and moving around and dealing with everything just came first. This blog also started as a makeup only blog when it started and it has since moved to a fitness and lifestyle blog as well because Makeup isn't my only passion. 2014 is going to be a better year for this blog, it can't get any worse than this year with all the broken promises and false come backs.
During the year 2013 I moved from Hawaii to Virginia, then from Virginia to California--is that technically 2 moves? I bet it is hah. When we left Hawaii it was bittersweet. I hadn't seen my mom in almost 2 years, I was done being stranded on an island; but I also had a great job with great people and I had a rhythm in my life. Being military, it's just life to be uprooted and move on but I hadn't experienced that in my adult life. As a child I was moved around as well, but that only lasted until my father retired when I was 9 and I don't really remember moving much before I was about 10. In Hawaii, I did lots of outdoor activity as well: always hiking, going to the beach, tanning. Moving from Hawaii to Virginia with a two week stop in between to Washington state was kind of like shock. From hot to cold to hot again and knowing I wasn't going to be in Virginia long kept me from making friends besides the people I worked with. In Virginia we lived in this really crappy apartment which we found really quickly and we had pretty much no furniture since it was being transported from Hawaii to California. It was just terrible, hah. I'm so happy that we were only there for 4 months. It was completely a positive thing moving from Virgina so I'm not going to go into anymore information on that one. From Virginia to California was really stressful because the weather when we left was terrible, it was icy and snowing and just awful, and we had to DRIVE through it. When we finally got here I had to find us a house--no sharing walls, no sharing parking, no sharing anything!-- that had a big enough yard for our two dogs, and was up to our standards. We're here for a while, at least three years, and I don't want to move around every year. It took us 10 days after getting to Cali to find our house and move in. We had our furniture 3 days later--it had been waiting in Cali for 3 1/2 months previous to us getting here-- and everything was falling into place.
My husband left late in 2012 and he came back in the middle of 2013. Experiencing a majority of the deployment in 2013. I would never say that it was easy; but I wouldn't say that it was terribly hard. My perspective on this life that I have chose to live by being with my husband is that I have to do what I have to do. There is nothing that I can do about what my husband has to do, where he has to go, and when he has to do it. So why should I dwell on it? Why should I get myself all worked up over something that I have no control over? So I don't. My schedule was very easy, I didn't do what people expected me to do, I didn't add a million things into my schedule to keep me busy. I went to work 5 days a week at least 7-8 hours a day, came home and relaxed, I went on hikes with friends, went on runs, and spent a lot of time with myself. Now don't get me wrong, I had my bad days. I had days where I thought I couldn't handle it anymore and all I wanted to do was go home. But that is not me. It's not easy to keep going on some days but I don't give up. Those days will pass, and they did.
A few more notable things that happened this year:
- I sold my first car which was very hard on me, as I loved that car.
- I had to say goodbye to my animals for 6 months, and as of this moment I only have 2 of the 3 of them home with me. So I also got to say hello to my two dogs, I have them back with me.
- My Grandmother passed away under very sad circumstances.
- My husband got into a wreck with my new car, everything was okay, no injuries, but that was a journey in itself getting that car fixed.
- My husbands car had issues upon issues that his dad graciously fixed for us while they had it and it didn't get fixed until 4 days ago.
- I went through 2 jobs with two different companies.
- Now I am searching for a new job and wishing one of the many places I applied to would call me already! ;p
I enjoyed my year this year. I hope you enjoyed reading about it and if you have done a post like this please let me know. I wish you a very Happy New Year and look forward to all the great things we do next year!
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