Monday, July 30, 2012

Birchbox, Glamour style!

Hey adventurers! It seems that all of my monthly subscription services arrived at around the same time, I hope you don't mind all of the alike posts! This time it's Birchbox! If you don't know it's 10 dollars a month to get surprise samples to your door every month! This month they had a collaboration with Glamour Magazine.
In this month's box I received: 
Color Club's nailpolish in the color Blue-Ming(get it? blue-ming/blooming HA!) Full size $8
Gloss Moderne- High-Gloss Masque Full size $39
Harvey Prince- Eau Flirt (who woulda thunk it? Another perfume sample....) Full size- $55-$98
Manna Kadar Sheer Glo Shimmer Lotion Full size- $29
Suki Balancing Kit( the five packets that you see in the picture above) Full size- $40

The two extra's which were included in this kit is the Larabar Roasted Nut Roll and a pair of headphones.

Overview: I am not exactly sure how I feel about this box to be honest. I'm excited about the hair mask cause I have a lot of those to try, I'm just too lazy to wash my hair out 20 minutes later(to be honest again) and the nail polish is a really pretty color. But I'm just not that excited about this box.

Bottom Line: I don't feel like I got my 10 dollars this month. I mean if you look at the box, you'd see 10 dollars worth, but I feel like I could of spent my 10 dollars some other way, better.

and now pictures of how it comes wrapped!



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